Mooers Wesleyan Church was established in 1872. Fifty five years later, the buildings
were destroyed by fire, but the congregation’s spirit was not. The present day sancturay and
parsonage are products of the rebuilding which took place following the devastation.
In 1966, the small congregation understood it’s need of a place for activities and a
fellowship hall was added to accomodate about 60 people. It was used for various
church socials and included a tiny kitchen, two small bathrooms, with additional classrooms
downstairs. In 1998 the church took on further renovations reversing the sanctuary,
which added a much larger platform, and a more family friendly accesible area for children.
Just recently additional property next to the church was purchased which now serves as
a vibrant growing youth center, with men and women’s Bible studies as well.
The Local Board of Mooers Wesleyan Church is now planning future renovations. We feel
we are a growing a church and want God to continue to grow His family here.